Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday, September 28, 2007

Googly third eye...
Current mood: amused

I was just reading to Talia her "Hoot Hoot, Eye" book. She made up the title as we were driving home this summer and the words started flying out of her little mouth.

I love two year olds. You can actually see the spark of recognition on a daily basis in the eyes and gestures of a two year old. There is a golden halo shining around the head of a two year old. She watches my lips when I talk or sing. I talk slowly and over-enunciate. She emphatically taps her pointer finger into her palm, the sign for more. She wants me to sing our meal time blessings at least three times before we actually eat:

"Earth who gives to us this food.
Sun who makes it ripe and good.
Sun above and earth below,
a loving thanks to you we show."

This is her favorite blessing song right now. I sing it high and slowly with gestures that she fully imitates.
Then we say "Blessings on our dinner, let us have a peaceful dinner
and bless Mama and...
"meow meow and freya," Talia cuts in every time in her sweet little voice with a big shining smile. I love this girl. She is sweetness and loving light.

Here are a few of my top faves of Talia's current vocab:
meow meow=our cat anah (who Sylvan named as a two year old when his word for 'there it is, I see it' was, yep you guessed it, aahhhh-nahh said like a doorbell ding-donging)
dadee=auntie stacey

This summer we were driving through the southeastern corner of WA state and stopped at a big box bookstore. I told S and T they could each choose a book. Sylvan came back with some science-y fact book about things that fly while Talia chose this googly eyed animal book.

Under normal circumstances we would not be buying these books. We walk to our local library at least once a week. We have an extensive library system called Link+ where I can request books from other libraries in CA and NV and they will be delivered to my local branch. It is an amazing resource.

Sylvan knows the drill for checking out books. He has to look through each book first and then decide if it seems to be something he would like to read at home. I would love to be able to say that he only chooses books based on truth, beauty and goodness, but alas, he is as drawn to caricature as he is to truth.

Perhaps we all are.

...two streams of thought that ran out of time to come together. It was my intention and now I gotta run.

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