Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

A proper shower...
Current mood: confident

It is raining! Sylvan did his happy dance all around the house once he discovered it was gray and misty with actual water falling from the sky.

Oh I know, my NW friends will roll their eyes. C'mon Georgia remember what it is like to live in OR or WA? It rains all the time. I do remember. We miss it terribly. It is way too sunny in Sacramento. I head indoors during the summer and can't wait until the rains come here in the fall and winter. We play out in the rain everytime.
Everytime. I am not exaggerating. We go visit the rock garden full of old growing things. There is a stream that is bone dry for 8 months of the year that flows magically through this peaceful garden. The gravel paths find themselves flooded if it really rains. Sylvan fashions bark boats and he races them down the fast flowing rivulets. We get wet. We get soaked. We get muddy.

Strangers stop their cars and get out in the rain to thank me for allowing my children to play. Yeah, that's what childhood is all about.

Here it is again, how many of my blogs do this? I am usually full of thoughts and feelings that I would knead into words IF I ONLY HAD THE TIME!!

I could go off up there about how children are losing their childhoods to this pervasive attitude in our culture that kids need to have intellectual knowledge starting at younger and younger ages (what you and I learned in first grade is now kindergarten curriculum in many public school systems.) But instead, as I have a long list of things to *TRY* to accomplish today, I will just suggest a book for anyone interested.
The Genius of Play by Sally Jenkinson.

Much love to everyone,

p.s. I was also listening to Talia's lovely playing of the Glockenspiel which kept her busy enough for me to take a few minutes to write this.

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